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Consistency Rule

Learn about the consistency rules. Please see the difference between Evaluation Accounts and Pro Accounts

Updated over 3 weeks ago

In any trading cycle, no single day’s profit may account for more than 30% of the total profits earned during that cycle. For example, if your total profit over a trading cycle is $10,000, no more than $3,000 can be made in a single trading day.

At, we emphasize consistent and sustainable trading practices. To ensure this, we have implemented the 30% Consistency Rule for Pro Accounts. This rule restricts any single trading day’s profit from exceeding 30% of the total profit during a given trading cycle.

**Important Note: Evaluation accounts have a 50% consistency rule.

What Does This Mean?

  • Profit Cap Per Day: In any trading cycle, no single day’s profit may account for more than 30% of the total profits earned during that cycle. For example, if your total profit over a trading cycle is $10,000, no more than $3,000 can be made in a single trading day.

  • Definition of a Trading Cycle:

    • A trading cycle is defined as the time passed since your last payout request.

    • If you have not made a payout request yet, the trading cycle begins on your first trading day of the account.

Why This Rule Exists:

  • Promoting Consistency: The rule encourages traders to follow consistent and disciplined strategies rather than relying on a few high-risk trades that generate significant profits. This promotes long-term success and stable growth.

  • Risk Management: By capping single-day profits, we prevent traders from making erratic, high-risk trades that can lead to large gains or losses. Consistency over time is key to responsible trading.

What Happens If You Violate the 30% Consistency Rule?

  • Continue trading until the largest trading day is less than 30% of profits.

Monitoring Your Daily Profits:

Our platform provides real-time analytics to help you monitor your profits and ensure compliance with this rule. You can easily track your daily and total profits to avoid exceeding the 30% threshold.

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